Confronting the Employment Barriers of Criminal Records: Effective Legal and Practical Strategies


Publish Date:
January 1, 2000
Publication Title:
Clearinghouse Review
Journal Article Volume 33 Page(s) 597
  • Debbie A. Mukamal, Confronting the Employment Barriers of Criminal Records: Effective Legal and Practical Strategies, 33 Clearinghouse Review 597 (2000).
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The stiffest barriers faced by ex-offenders in their struggle to reintegrate into society are those which keep them from securing employment. Bias and stigma, lack of job skills and employment history, legal restrictions, and competition from other sources of labor contribute to the difficulty ex-offenders face in finding work. Advocates should consider both legal and practical strategies to mitigate the adverse consequences of their clients’ conviction histories and increase their prospect of complete reintegration.