Constitutional Constancy: Why Congress Should Cure Itself of Amendment Fever


  • Kathleen M. Sullivan
Publish Date:
November, 1995
Publication Title:
The Record
Journal Article Volume 3 Page(s) 1619-1639
  • Kathleen M. Sullivan, Constitutional Constancy: Why Congress Should Cure Itself of Amendment Fever, 50 The Record 724 (November, 1995) (adapted from Constitutional Amendmentitis, 23 The American Prospect 20 (1995)). Kathleen M. Sullivan, Constitutional Constancy: Why Congress Should Cure Itself of Amendment Fever, 3 Benjamin M. Cardozo Memorial Lectures 1619 (1996). Kathleen M. Sullivan, Constitutional Constancy: Why Congress Should Cure Itself of Amendment Fever, 17 Cardozo Law Review 691-704 (1996).