Viewpoints: Inmate Realignment Can Succeed, But It May Take More Time


Publish Date:
March 30, 2013
Publication Title:
Sacramento Bee
Op-Ed or Opinion Piece Page(s) 9A
  • Joan Petersilia and Robert Weisberg, Viewpoints: Inmate Realignment Can Succeed, But It May Take More Time, Sacramento Bee, March 30, 2013, p. 9A.
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Two years ago the U.S. Supreme Court certified California’s prisons as unconstitutional – overcrowded, unsafe and prone to cause, not cure, recidivism. Responding to the earlier federal injunction ordering California to reduce its prison population, the Legislature passed Assembly Bill 109, the so-called Public Safety Realignment law that transferred authority for large numbers of convicted felons from the state prison and parole system to the state’s 58 counties.