Local Initiatives to Implement the Endangered Species Act: The Challenge of Developing Habitat Conservation Plans


  • Margaret Caldwell
Publish Date:
September 1, 2007
Publication Title:
Local Initiatives to Implement the Endangered Species Act: The Challenge of Developing Habitat Conservation Plans, in The Endangered Species Act and Federalism: Innovative Uses of States and Local Governments for Species Conservation Kaush Arha and Barton H. Thompson, eds., Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, forthcoming.
Book, Section
  • Meg Caldwell, Peter Morgan, Deborah Sivas, and Alicia Thesing, Local Initiatives to Implement the Endangered Species Act: The Challenge of Developing Habitat Conservation Plans, in The Endangered Species Act and Federalism: Innovative Uses of States and Local Governments for Species Conservation, Kaush Arha and Barton H. Thompson, eds., Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, forthcoming.